Centralia Time Capsule to be Opened in 2016
In 1966, only a few years after the Centralia, Pennsylvania mine fire began burning, the town buried a time capsule near the local veterans’ memorial. Both were in the lawn of the American Legion...
In 1966, only a few years after the Centralia, Pennsylvania mine fire began burning, the town buried a time capsule near the local veterans’ memorial. Both were in the lawn of the American Legion...
Over the years, there have been numerous ideas about when and how the Centralia mine fire began. Below are the three most often cited theories. #1 – Illegal Dump Cleanup The current prevailing theory...
Here’s an excellent video created by TikiTrex. In it, the host explores the main sights in and around Centralia, Pennsylvania, including where the coal fire has broken through to the surface. One of the...
Every town has a story. In that sense Centralia, Pennsylvania is like any other town. People lived there and raised families. They attended the local churches and went to nearby schools. Each of them...