Tagged: Centralia Pennsylvania’s Lost Town
The much anticipated documentary, CENTRALIA, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town premiered in Pottsville, Pennsylvania on May 6, 2017. Directed by Joe Sapienza II, the film follows the story of Centralia and its infamous mine fire through the...
UPDATE: You can now purchase by visiting the film’s official site The documentary film Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town will be available for rent on Amazon and Vimeo on January 15, 2018! The film will...
On the afternoon of Saturday, August 19th the documentary film Centralia: Pennsylvania’s Lost Town played at the Campus Theatre in Lewisburg, PA. Present at the film were many former residents of the town, as...
Centralia needs your help – either by volunteering your time or by making a donation! On Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 9AM to 4PM, a cleanup day will be held in the town to...
CENTRALIA, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town – the new feature documentary on the borough of Centralia, Pennsylvania – will be released May 5, 2017. In anticipation of the film, an official trailer has been posted on...
On Saturday, September 24, 2016 over 60 people assembled at the Centralia, Pennsylvania municipal building. They came from places near and far – the furthest being Toronto, Canada. What united them was their passion...
As we’ve previously covered, a new documentary about Centralia, PA and its mine fire disaster is currently in post-production. Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town is set to be released this summer [Update: Film to be...
Centralia, Pennsylvania as a mainstream TV show? It might just happen. Last week, Deadline broke the news that NBC acquired the rights to produce a pilot episode of Centralia. Written and produced by Meredith...
Centralia, Pennsylvania has been making the news recently. Below are four stories worth checking out: Music Video In anticipation of the upcoming film, Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town, director Joe Sapienza II and singer-songwriter David Wayne...
We are excited to announce an upcoming, feature-length documentary about Centralia, PA. Titled Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town, the documentary is being directed by Joe Sapienza II and is slated for release in the spring...