October 25, 2014 was cleanup day in Centralia Pennsylvania. Around 50 volunteers came together to remove trash and other debris from the nearly abandoned town.
The following photographs were captured by Ross Campbell and Austin LoCicero. Both are working with Joe Sapienza II to create a feature-length documentary about Centralia. This is due to be released in 2015.
Many thanks to Joe, Ross, and Austin for providing this wonderful gallery of images, as well as the many volunteers who came out to help cleanup Centralia!

Before the cleanup day, the area around Odd Fellows Cemetery had significant amounts of junk and trash.

Signs of trash from illegal dumping and littering could be found around the borough of Centralia PA before the cleanup began.

A number groups came together to help with the cleanup day in Centralia. They were listed on this banner.

Volunteers walk down Railroad Avenue in Centralia after cleaning up trash from the wooded areas nearby.

Bobby Hughes found a small sinkhole during the cleanup effort. Hot gases from the underground mine fire were coming out of the hole.

Catizone’s Coal Region Cooking provided a free hot lunch to all of the volunteers who attended the cleanup event in Centralia.

Lys Sparrow and Joe Sapienza II pose for a photo at the cleanup day. Both are working on feature-length documentaries about Centralia Pennsylvania.

Former Centralia Pennsylvania resident, John Comarnisky, visited the cleanup day and provided an interview.
Nice to see people who care about their town.
Has anyone ever looked at putting a geothermal plant in Centralia to put that burning coal to work? If they can’t put it out, use it!
I wish you all well!
how do i get to see the intrerview with John Comarnisky ??
I would definitely travel from Ohio to help with the next clean-up! If there is a database, please let me know so that I may contact the person in charge. Thanks!
God bless John. His story reminds me of Tom Hanks’ character in the movie ‘Cast Away’. Memories are forever!.