John Lokitis Jr: Former Centralia PA Resident

John Lokitis Jr. painting the Centralia PA bench in 2006. Credit: Flickr/letdown102

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88 Responses

  1. Rachel Buchan says:

    Does he ever go back and visit? I can’t imagine him completely breaking his ties with Centralia forever.

  2. Patrick says:

    When is next cleanup would love to help?

    • Centralia PA says:

      Hi Patrick. The next cleanup day hasn’t been schedule yet. Follow us on Facebook and we’ll be sure to post the date when it is announced!

      • Thank you John. AS a matter of fact, my father’s first wife, Anne Johnson O’Neill, is buried in St Ignatius, along with my half brother who died at birth. The Johnson lot is a big lot at the top of the cemetery. I only visited there a few times. Thanks again for all you do for the memory of Centralia and the good people who once lived there. Take care and God bless. Patrick

      • Hi I’m Tom Sanford from Norwalk Ohio I’d luv to come to the cleanup but my oxygen won’t let me. As of this message are there any people still living and staying in centrailia?? I’m curious

  3. Natasha says:

    John Lokitis lived in his grandparent’s home on west Park St, while his parents live over at 316 East Park St still to this day. The two houses beside Lokitis’ were both empty. He has since welcomed a beautiful baby boy with his girlfriend in Milton, Pa.

    • Centralia PA says:

      Hi Natasha. That’s great to hear, and congratulations to the Lokitis’!

    • Tabs says:

      This whole situation is just heart breaking. The state should have given him permission to have his home at least as a museum or do tours. There is a lot of history and it’s a shame that he had to leave his home. I went there for the first time for a short visit as I had to leave to go back home to GA and it was just a beautiful historic area with as I felt a ton of history and it saddens me that in 2019 no one can preserve the history ….? Or find some sort of solution to restoring Centralia .. it is strange.

      • Boo says:

        I understand. I just wish that there was something we could do, but it just seems as though it is too late.

      • Marsha says:

        That’s very sad and I feel bad for this man. We seem to do away with our past to easily sometimes. I saw pictures of John fixing up and cleaning up Centralia. It was heartbreaking. But congratulations on the newest addition to his family! I would like to join clean up day. My mom’s family is from around that area.

    • Jason Jones says:

      I’m glad he’s safe an moving on with his life, I know what he’s went threw my self with the passing of both of my parents, just recently my dad passed at 83, loosing him was just as hard as John leving Centralia..

  4. cathy says:

    I know john and his family well.he has recently suffered through the loss of a parent.i also am from Centralia and was sorry I missed the clean up.i will look forward to spring.

  5. shawna says:

    What beautifully haunting place I just watched the documentary…. It reminds me of my small hometown in ga. Such history and natural beauty even in the midst of a coal fire. To those who were residents there I’m a truly sorry for the loss of your town and its history. It is very unfair how things went. To those who held out I stand with you. I would not abandon my roots either given a choice. This is a place I would love to see and learn more of!

  6. Scott says:

    I just ordered the DVD and watched the documentary. What a sad story–I feel so badly for the former residents of Centralia. I would love to visit the site someday.

  7. Lokitis seems a person with a full of dedication in his life. It is a good portrayal of a faithful human being

  8. Victoria says:

    What a compelling story; my heart goes out to the residents who never wanted to leave their homes but we’re forced to do so. If possible, would like to speak to any residents who remain to this day and to John. I am working on a documentary film with many similarities. Thank you!

  9. Adam Tereska says:

    I have followed the goings on in Centralia since I was 10 years old. (I’m 44 now and visit every chance I get, usually twice to three times a year) I am wondering, in the path of the fire, is Ashland possibly next or is that town safe?

  10. I would like to commend John for his incredible dedication and loyalty to his home and his hometown. You don’t see people like this anymore. I’d like to meet him someday just to shake his hand. I’m hanging on to my own family home right now-different circumstances, but I understand the feeling that you may lose something very dear to you due to circumstances out of your control. My own family home is in Coal Township. John, please know you are in my prayers that you enjoy your new home and never forget the memories of your old home. God bless and take care, Patrick O’Neill, Coal Township , pa.

  11. annacolleen says:

    Great documentary, and well worth a watch! The town looked like many small towns, back in the 60’s; inviting, and warm. I especially loved the film of the Independence Day Parade, that showed what the people were like.John did a wonderful job, of recounting for us the people, who made the town what it was.
    I was made angry, when he and the 2 other men, told how much it would have cost initially, to stop the fire in 1962. The Commonwealth could have paid, but how about the residents? They really could have ‘passed-the-hat’ and come up with the small amount. I know, that the amount was alot, back then, but they could have collected what they could, and shared the cost.
    That’s neither here, nor there, now.
    I remember this town. We passed through it, on the way to my father in law’s childhood home, in Snowshoe, and State College area. As the years went by, it got smaller, and finally it was only a cemetery in the wilderness. I had forgotten there was even a town, and would think;”what is a cemetery doing, out here in the middle of nowhere?”
    Sidewalks that went nowhere in particular.
    I never go back to where I was actually raised anymore, since no one is left to remember me. Thing is, if I wanted to, I could walk the sidewalks up to the elementary school I attended in one of the places, or stand in front of the house my parents worked so hard for. One time, the family asked us in, and memory came back, much like a flood. I can use googlemaps to visit my old Copacabana neighborhood in Rio, even walk the streets.
    I’m usually left saddened, since no one alive now, remembers even having lived there.
    Still, I can do these things, and people like John cannot.
    My heart, and my prayers go out to the people of Centralia. I hope y’all get together for reunions, other than clean up day. If you need a place to gather, I have enough land for tent camping.

  12. NHD Team says:

    Is there any way we could get in touch with him. We are doing a project on Centralia.

  13. Scrublord says:

    Or anyone from Centralia pa

  14. Centralia Fan says:

    I loved the movie.

  15. Dominic Jonhjulio says:

    I too commend John on what he has done. How said for that Town. I live in a Village smaller than Centralia, but, smaller do to just the way it is, not because of any circumstance that Centralia went through. Shame on our Gov’t to allow that to happen and pin people against each other like that. Similiar things are happening to our town now with Fracking coming to our area. I too would stick it out like John did. My prayers go out to evryone from there, and who is still there.

  16. Alex Trussler says:

    I first heard of Centralia on Modern Marvels Engineering Disasters and was fascinated. I loved the documentary “The Town That Was.” I live on a family farm we’ve owned since 1836 and I know how I would feel if the government tried to force me off. I feel terrible for the die hard residents of Centralia.

  17. Robb says:

    I remember going up Rt 61 with my father. He had a small trucking company and we hauled coal out of that region. I remember going through town and father telling me 1 day this will all be gone and he told me the story. I responded, cant it be fixed? He said, probably not the government will take the cheap way out. I guess he was right. I have seen the documentary, with my children, and they asked if we go see the town 1 day, being sentimental as I get older I responded yes!!! Such a shame the close knit towns of days gone by are just that>>>>>GONE!!!

  18. Kathleen Jones says:

    I will be flying into Harrisburg late Sept, and was considering going through Centralia on my way to State College. Is there a safe way to visit what is left of Centralia? I’ve seen the movie, “The Town that Was.” The AAA book doesn’t list Centralia, but says that the fire is visible from Ashland.

  19. Bob says:

    @Kathleen Jones Kathleen you can still go thru the town on Rt. 61. Your not going to see much As far as seeing the fire from Ashland the fires are well underground now and have moved on towards the Mt. Carmel area. (The other direction from Ashland). The fire are there but really not as visible anymore. The trees are coming back but you can still see damaged area just fine. I would just ask that if you do go thru to remember all those who were from this town like my family. They were all great people. I hope you enjoy it

  20. Sherri Cressman says:

    I recently visited Centralia with my son. I noticed that there is still one home remaining. This home looked as though it was occupied. Out of curiosity, why was Mr. Lokitis forced out of his home, and eventually demolished, and the other home is still standing occupied. Also, does Mr. Lokitis ever do personal tours of the town. If so is there a way that he can be reached. My son took particular interest in the history of Centralia, which is completely out of character for him, and I would like to bring him back for more personal research. Thank you.

    • Jennifer says:

      Sherri I thought the same thing when I read he was evicted in 2009 but yet now in 2016 people say that you can visit but don’t bother the residence. I was truly moved by the documentary as well, those poor people. What a sweet little town it once was.

  21. Della Hicks says:

    I thought I read that Mr. Lokitis was finally forced from his home in 2009, is that correct? I too watched, ‘The Town That Was’, and could empathize with him. I am living in the city I was born and raised in, I am second generation, our son is third. My husband is not from here, I can only imagine how devastated I would be, if all the physical locations of my memories were gone.

  22. dean swaim says:

    I really appreciate and understand why and what you are doing. and i admire you for it. you are a special person

  23. Andy says:

    Watched The Town That was bu chance and was moved and saddened.
    Thanks from England where are coal industry has been shattered too.

  24. Eric Umstead says:

    My grandparents and mother were all from another small town similar to Centralia. Jersey Shore, Pa. at one point had a population of about 2,000 in the late 1960’s but due to unemployment the population has dropped to just over 500. My grandparents and mother are all buried there and up until about 30 years ago a Greyhound bus would make a flag stop in Jersey Shore. It’s been about 30 years since I was last there and 50 years ago my grandmother was the tax collector of the town. Currently I live in Minneapolis with all the conveniences of city living (public transit, airport, Amtrak) but at 62 years old I STILL MISS that small town feel of Jersey Shore, Pa. It hurts me to see how the government didn’t give a darn about Centralia, kicked everyone out, & leveled the town.

  25. Tyson says:

    What a truly unique story. I live in Calgary Ab. Canada and just finished the documentary about what happened to John and his town. I hope he is doing well and can’t help but wonder what’s next for that town.

  26. Rob says:

    John would make an excellent mayor. You can see and feel his devotion to the place he calls home. Watching him in the documentary The Town That Was showed a man who, like me, never wants to forget his home, the memories of better days, and how nostalgia can make us never forget. John, I hope you took that green park bench with you…if they are going to level everything, you deserve that bench in your back yard.

  27. Jennie says:

    I have just watched the documentary about your beautiful town. John your passion and love for your town touched me greatly, wish there were more passionate people like you. Sorry to hear you were forced to move. Sending our love from New Zealand a few years later.

  28. Kim says:

    What prompted the eviction notice? If the state technically owned all of the properties anyway, why evict John and not the others living in the town? I read there were 10 people left. I don’t understand.

    I visited Centralia recently, not knowing the full story. Then I listened to the Radiolab episode and watched The Town That Was today. I wish John all the best. It must have been hard to leave.

    • Adam Tereska says:

      This is only my personal opinion, but my guess was his age had a lot to do with it. He was only in his 30’s at that time and when the coal was still worth a lot of money, (today it is much cheaper to import it from China at pennies on the dollar ) and the others were senior citizens. They basically did not want to be held up by a person who still had at least another 40 years to live.

    • harolyn allison says:

      more than likely a spite move on the government part, John was attracting too much attention of how the government was treating this town. they worried more about votes that the people of the town they were singling him out the government promised to allow the remaining people to live there till they passed, the government lied to them from day one

    • Harolyn Allison says:

      Power grab and mineral. Rights the government wants access to the coal john was the spokesman for the remaining residents government wanted to silence him ..harolyn

  29. Tiffany says:

    My husband and I just watched The Town That Was, and what a sad story! John deserves an award for his dedication to that town after all that happened. He truly loved his hometown, and he went above and beyond to keep it alive the best he could. I would love to meet him and shake his hand one day. What a remarkable guy!

  30. Nathan Kelly says:

    Hey anyway I could help out with clean up day this year? Or help out with anything?

  31. Mike Smith says:

    I was hoping that at the end of “the Town That Was” there was a happy ending like the state turned the town into a historic park or state game lands and hired John as the caretaker but unfortunately that was not the case. A great documentary. My great grandparents settled in Oliphant, PA and were a mining family. I now would like to visit there and learn more.

  32. Rob says:

    I was just in Centralia today (1/21/2017) and took many photos. It is an amazing yet somber place to visit. I plan on returning.

  33. Jim says:

    I grew up with john lokitis jr and worked with him in Centralia with the boro. John and I would take care of sweeping the streets and mowing and taking care of the lawns. That town always has and always will mean everything to him. And he would’ve stayed there until the very end if he would’ve been allowed to.

    • Dan Dlugosz says:

      John Jr. is an fine example to us all of how a loyal and respectful individual should be. Having been forced to leave Centralia just two years after “The Town That Was” was filmed must have been devastating to him, so I’m glad to hear that he is getting along well in life.

  34. Mike Jones says:

    I’ve just been watching ‘The Town That Was’. It’s almost unbelievable that was allowed to happen, was any person from the council held responsible ?

    John Lokitis seems a honest guy looking after the place that he knew. Such a shame that he was evicted, was he compensated ? How can the state just taken ownership of someones property ?

    Best wishes to John

  35. Wil says:

    I took the kids about 8 months ago after we watched the documentary. Very moving and we had to go. When we arrived, we were very much confused as to what we were looking at, as there is virtually nothing left. Just overgrown vegetation. We walked the graffiti highway, which is spewed with profanity and not child friendly. We asked some guy who was selling hot dogs and water, apparently trying to capitalize on the misery the Centralia people suffered. He and his wife were very abrupt and not very talkative, which is surprising, as nice as they were when I spent $23 for 2 hot dogs and two waters. In any case, we continued our search and found remnants of sidewalks and stairs and trash but little else. It was said and depressing, but if you hadn’t seen the movie, you would pass by on 61 you wouldn’t even know that anything had been there.
    Maybe best to leave the past behind. John Lokitis certainly seemed like a great guy. It’s too bad he couldn’t have stayed to oversee the recreation of Centralia. What a wonderful story that would have been.

  36. Donna Shupock says:

    My father-in-law grew up in Shamokin. Every year since I turned 14 we have been driving through Centralia. It is so sad. I have seen the houses with the red X to be demolished, I have seen the bicycle shop that we thought would never relocate and we have seen the steam coming up from the ground.We have watched every documentary and films about Centralia. My Prayers go out to all the people who once called Centralia there home.

  37. James c iezzi says:

    Can i go visit this place or would i get arrested if ???

  38. Mike Stenstrom says:

    You can visit Centralia without being arrested as long as you don’t walk on the Graffiti highway. A resident complained to PennDOT about all the tourists and the mess that some make, so PennDOT decided to enforce no trespassing. The Cemeteries are open during daylight hours and the Russian Orthodox Church is still there. It’s not easy to find anything there so do homework reading the history and the few maps that are available before you go. David DeKok gives an excellent tour and his tour and book are the best way to see and understand Centralia. Slow Burn, Renee Jacobs’s book is also excellent.

    • Adam Tereska says:

      As of February, 2018, that has been lifted since the state handed over the Graffiti Highway to a private owner, finally realizing receiving property tax money is better than taxpayers paying for it. Maybe they will smarten up and allow the town to be rebuilt. One can hope.

  39. Kristen B says:

    I went to visit centralia today. We got the chance to speak with one of the residents. I forget his name but on his mailbox said L. Mervine. He was very friendly and happy we stopped to speak. We thought he wouldn’t want to be bothered since Centralia is now a “tourist” attraction but he said nobody ever stops to speak. I was so happy we did. Anyway I was wondering if there was anyway we could mail him anything? I’m assuming they don’t receive mail in Centralia so they probably have a P.O. Box? I did look up the name and it says he was the mayor? However he was not the mayor and look more in his 70s? I’m assuming maybe his son?

  40. Al says:

    My wife and I are planning a trip up to visit Centralia next month and also to catch the new documentary, CENTRALIA, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town.
    I would love to meet John just to say hi and shake his hand. We live in North Carolina.

  41. J. Miao says:

    The Town That Was will always be
    Forever emblazened in our memory.

    People of Centralia gave their lives working hard to form our great nation.
    We will not forget the sacrifices you made and will remember you every Memorial Day celebration.

    Best hopes, wishes and prayers, the only consolation most can give to those who remain. The survivors bearing so grievous a travesty, your suffering will not be in vain.

    People will ban together under your banner
    Making sure your legacy goes on forever.

  42. Anthony Sheraton says:

    It’s interesting how people speak of dedication and devotion of John Lokitis Jr. Having again watched the documentary ‘The Town That Was’, I know I would be sad to lose my home town, and would still be visiting it to this day were that to have happened to me. I would want to remember the happy times, but I would be visiting it, not living in its ashes.

    I’m not sure ‘dedication’ and ‘devotion’ are the right terms to use. The rest of the town it seemed moved on and created a life and a home elsewhere. The impression I got from watching the documentary was that John couldn’t bring himself to recognise or accept that the town was gone. It was as if one day he woke to find everyone had gone and he was still there, waiting for them to return.

    It must be so difficult to lose the town you grew up in, to see all the hard work lost, have family buried there and almost no sign of the town’s existence remaining to stand as a monument to their lives. But living in the past is a sad existence full of longing for a time that can never be regained, nor will this longing undo all that’s been done.

    Seeing a tragedy like this, with a fire burning on this scale beneath a town, and see the town demolished as a result of incompetence and cost-saving is shameful. I don’t doubt that removing the existence of the town helped to ease the government’s conscience – although eventually I can understand how there would be no other choice because of safety issues.

    I wonder what would happen here in England if something like this happened? I guess being a smaller country it would be harder to hide it.

    I hope John can come to terms with the past and finds peace in his new home.

  43. Brian Moss says:

    After watching John talk about his town, and the look in his eyes when he talks about it, reminds me of me when i talk of my own small town. Id like to help in any clean ups from hear on out, if i may. Im not far, and it would mean alot to me

  44. Brian Sawdo says:

    I still would like to know why john was evicted and his home demolished while others still continue to live there. This whole story grips me. I’m looking forward to more stories about this town.

  45. Carol Politi says:

    From what I know, John stayed in his Grandparents house. His Grandfather and John went to the court house when his Grandfather was still alive and put John as the owner. Pennsylvania did not recognize this and the people that lived there could stay until they died and then it was turned over to the state. The last time I was in Centralia, I think in 2015, I ran into someone who lived there. He is the one that told me this. It was only about 6 months before that they tore down his Grandparents home. I give John alot of credit.

  46. Jennifer White says:

    I just watched The Town That Was and I’m curious why they cut all the duplexes in half, tore down the halves and built large supports for the remaining structures. Was this simply to avoid people moving back into the remaining halves? Seems like a ton of work when they were just going to tear down the whole structure eventually anyways.

  47. northernlitez says:

    After having watched the HBO documentary featuring John Lokitis, I had to see if he still lived there. My heart sank to find he had been evicted and his house gone. My heart really did ache for him as I watched the documentary. I think he represented the pride and life of Centralia and when he was forced to leave, the death of the town. Just sad

  48. Ellen says:

    They should rebuild centralia and elect JOHN LOKITIS AS MAYOR!!

  49. Carol says:

    I just watched the Town that Was Featuring John Lokitis,I just had to Find Out if the Town was still Burning after all these years,and I was Amazed that it still is to this Day. I am from Australia and have Never heard of this Sad Story. I was also very interested to see if John still lived there and was Sad to hear that he was Evicted from his Grandparents Home. I feel so Sad now After seeing this Documentary. God Bless Everyone who still lives there,and Everyone who had to move away. I’m sure that you have Many Treasured Memories to Hold close to your Heart.

  50. Ricard Solé says:

    Even for someone as myself, living so far from Centralia (I am writing from Barcelona) it is difficult not to feel a special attachment to John and his feelings for a hos lost hometown. It is heart breaking to imagine yourself looking around and trying to keep the good memories when so much is gone. Amazing guy, incredible story. My best wishes to him.

  51. Javier says:

    It sounded to me that the last official owner of the house was John’s Grandfather, and that he tried deed John the house after the state had already took over. John’s grandfather would have been allowed to stay had he still been alive like the other residents who still live there, but once they are gone they are not allowed to pass on the property to someone else. I believe that was the reason John was evicted. The right to live there died with his grandfather.

  52. Diane says:

    I am always fascinated by how people can make such shallow assumptions and negative criticisms about people they have never met, or even had 2 minutes time to speak to.

    I definitely would apply the terms “dedicated,” “devoted,” and “loyal” to the determination of John Lokitis to keep as much of Centralia’s spirit alive, such as the Christmas decorations he lovingly restored.

    As for his staying in Centralia, I think any criticism of that is meaningless, really. And none of us know why he did it. We cannot label it. What can only guess.

    We each do what we can to follow our life’s purpose. In his eyes, I could see the love for his family and the history they had in the town. Maybe his purpose at that time was to hold still the memory and spirit of Centralia. Maybe otherwise the story would not have been seen by so many others who have been provoked to think of their own family, history, roots and legacy.

    Solitude and silence can yield so much more than harried occupation. It is likely his life was enriched by his choice to stay.

    In any case, it is good to see he has a family now. But I’m sure it must have been very difficult to lose his Grandparents’ home that he cared so much for.

  53. Brenda Class says:

    What a heart breaking story for this city and the folks who lived there. Such a loss. And such a lovely story of the young man, John Lokitis who kept such good and loving care of “his town and family”. I pray he is also surrounded with love, family and friends.

  54. brian hardy says:

    the fire still going?

  55. Michelle says:

    I just watched the documentary on You Tube. My heart goes out to the former residents. What a beautiful and dedicated person John is for not giving up. Even though the story is sad, his spirit made it happy. Wishing him all the best.

  56. Joe Belli says:

    It’s so sad what was done to these people. Good people too. They deserved so much better. John I admire you so much. I watch the documentary over and over again. What a town it must of been. One day I would love to drive through the town. Pay my respects to all that lived there. Touch the ground that they called home for so long. John your a hero in my eyes. I’d love to shake your hand one day. Be well John. Joe Belli

  57. Kurt Loffler says:

    Does John Lokitis know that people search the Internet to find out if he’s OK?
    Maybe you should tell him.
    The documentary “The Town That Was” is much more well-known now, and many of the comments question what happened to the guy in the documentary.
    A lot of viewers were able to empathize with his efforts, and wanted to know what happened afterward.
    My Internet search led me here, and to the updates in the comments (thanks).
    I’m sure I’m not the only one who got here because I was so moved by the documentary.

  58. Jennifer Brown says:

    If anyone knows how to contact John Lotikis that lived in Centralia Pa until 2009, please let me know

  59. Dennis says:

    How many ppl actually live in centralia I. 2022? Very sad to hear that John had to leave.

  60. jimmy says:

    I have a weird question. John mentioned in the documentary that the people like himself that were still living in the town were basically squatters. So then how did the houses have electricity? Does the gov’t leave the electricity on for squatters?

    • Tina says:

      No, but they pay for the electricity, I would imagine. They own the places, so that when the residents die, they get the house and land. See, John got evicted, because once his grandparents died (the actual owners), it went to the government, not John. Notice there was nothing new in his house. John had to light his gas stove, in order to use it. He said he kept everything in that house the same as it was, during his childhood. He preferred that sameness.

      In the documentary, “The Town that Was”, former resident Colleen had no issues with leaving. She said herself that the buildings and people were gone, and there was no town left. John Lokitis, however, had trouble letting go. You could tell he had problems coping with change. I heard that John now lives nearby in Ashland, and has a family. It’s good to know that somebody could change his life for the better, and that he could ease into that new life, where he is now meant to be.

  61. Tweeto says:

    My last comment may not have made it through. If it did I spewed off information that was sentimental in nature. It was a really long comment and I had read through some of the other comments until after I posted. My comment was based on my own perspective coming from a very stable home life however my family moved around a lot. I went from Cali, to VA to MS to TX to OK the WA state and then finally back in to oklahoma. The one thing that I found so compelling was that because we did move around a lot it may have made me resilient in nature and adventurous but I also hav now lived in the same house and town for sixteen years, maybe 17. I feel like the town that I live in is home. I used to say that home is where ever my parents lived. I knew nothing different. However, once I married my husband now and settled in to this same spot of the last sixteen years I love our neighborhood where my youngest children have an established home base, it really settled my youngest daughter to be in the same place with the same friends, our two youngest are both 24 years old and there were about seven kids all I our same neighborhood that are all still very close friends. It gave my youngest daughter a sense of stabiiity that she flourished in. The last of a generation that I know it as friends that grew up and our house was the go to place. They rode bikes, played outside, collected full frogs and crickets and dog holes in the yard with fence pole digggerw after asking if they could dig for worms. They had a blast and we had a blast. I never knew what it was like to have the same hometown forever, friends for life, but not anything where I could say I felt dedicated or sentimental I nature but our families in our neighborhood are so close that it’s a reason we never moved and never plan on it. We could have used a bigger house with six kids but I’m thankful we never moved. Also coming from someplace like oklahoma where we have been through so many tornadoes. Including the Moore oklahoma one, several times over. A couple of years ago we had one down a couple of blocks down. So I do know people and a township that shows resilience and has seen mass devastation and seen the community rebuild and build again. There is something to be said about losing your home, I don’t see it not being able to handle change, I show it as resilience and community that comes together. Losing your home, your belongings, your pets, seeing plant life be torn down and build back up, natural disasters are devastating. I am so sorry that you lost your home, but felt compelled to tell you that what I see is resilience. Someone willing to hold on and believe and stay hopeful and take pride by giving back to the community. Of course your miss your family, your home, your friends, your home base, coming from a township of people who are built stronger due to the disasters. Right? There are natural disaster response teams for a reason. People like myself are counselors to many people who faced said hardships. I saw the documentary on you tube and was drawn to it because I thought it was Centrailia, WA where I have family from a long time ago. I thought it might have been WA state and volcanic activity. I had no idea I was going t watch a coal fire that has burned and tried to restore with special people like John. My brothers dad saw Mt. St. Helens blow and the devastation that came with it which is really why I thought it was going to be volcanic activity in WA state: I learned a lot from this documentary. This is fire though that has burned for so long, how strong is has made yall and you literally saved your towns name. My grandparents grew up in a town called Zero, Montana, my grandparents worked in the only postal office and the place is no longer. All we have is pictures and stores passed down from one another and while they didn’t face tornadoes or fires they also don’t have anywhere to go back to per se. I think taking pride and loving where you are from is important and I see resilience in your story even though you lost your place to live. You have a long history in a place that would lose its history if you had not fought to keep a part of it alive! Thanks for being candid and caring about your community. I think your a incredibly strong and resilient person! To lose, win, lose, build back only to lose it all in the end. But really you didn’t lose because you’re part of what has kept it alive. Thank you, John, for being more resilient than many!

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