Centralia’s Orthodox Crosses

Crosses in Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery in Centralia PA. Credit: Flickr/greencracker

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4 Responses

  1. Mary C says:

    Um…St. Peter and Paul Church was an ORTHODOX church. Assumption of the BVM (the one that is still open) is a CATHOLIC church. There is a big difference, even if they both use similar-looking crosses. Orthodox Churches are separate from Catholicism and generally do not consider Catholics to be members of their church. That is why there were 2 different churches in the first place (St. Peter and Paul for the Orthodox and Assumption of the BVM for the Ukrainian Catholics…plus St. Ignatius for the Roman Catholics).

    • George Terhesh says:

      the assumption of bvm is probably byzantine catholic. basically orthodox but “acknowledge” the pope, in so many words

    • Nadia says:

      For anyone here by Google: ABV is Ukrainian Greek Catholic, also called Byzantine Rite Catholics or Eastern Rite Catholics. Technically Catholic, but not Roman Catholic and while they recognize the Pope the rites are different and the authority structure is not quite the same.

      Whether the Orthodox or Catholic lines are the “true” original Church is a point of debate, but both are much more closely related and direct descent from original Christianity than other churches (Coptic/Syrian excepted.) They do not view each other the same way as Protestant sects, all of which are modern (post-15th century) breakaway sects, not splits from the original Church being in the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.

  2. Nicholas Maris says:

    I have found that my father’s family house was at 245 West Park Street in Centralia. I still have some faint memories of the place from when I was a child. I have an old water company map of Centralia from I think the 1920s but it cuts off Park at 226 so cannot determine where the property was located so I’m looking for old maps of the town that would show where the property was located so that next time I visit there I can go to the old address just for old times sake. If anyone has one that lists it I would be grateful. Thanks, have a great day!

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